Refunds & Complaints

  • When can I expect my refund?

    If you've requested for a refund, please allow our customer support team 1-2 business days to initiate your refund.  We’ll notify you once we’ve initiated the refund process. After that, your bank takes over from us. Most banks complete the refund process within 5 business days. If you haven't r...
  • What should I do if my order arrives in a damaged condition?

    We apologize for this inconvenience. If the product in your package arrives damaged or broken, please notify us as soon as you've become aware of the damaged package. Please contact us at and attach a picture of the product(s) and the packaging so that our quality ...
  • The dropper for my oil doesn't work.

    If you're not able to squeeze the rubber to extract oil from the bottle, the pipette might have moved up the rubber during transit. Carefully pull the pipette down while holding the golden frame, or push it down on the top of the rubber. You'll then be able to squeeze the rubber to extract the ...
  • When can I request a refund?

    We’re sorry to hear you’ve had a bad experience and would like to request a refund. If your package was damaged during transit and arrived in broken or damaged condition, please contact us at as soon as possible after receiving your package. Please attach a picture...
  • How do I unsubscribe from your promotional emails?

    We’re sorry to hear you no longer want to receive our emails. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our mailing list, please click here and enter your email address to unsubscribe. Alternatively, you can also: Open one of our emails in your inbox Scroll all the way down to the end of the email. The...
  • I want to return a product

    If you've decided that you want to return your purchase, please reach out to our customer support team at Please do tell us why you'd like to return your purchase, so that we can improve our services and products!
  • The dropper for my oil was broken when it arrived.

    We're so sorry to hear this happened. We do our best to ensure the oils are packaged securely to avoid damage, however, a glass dropper could sometimes get damaged during transit. Please write to and we'll help you out. You can also get a new, inexpensive dropper f...
  • What should I do if my refund is late or missing?

    If you've requested for a refund, please allow our customer support team 1-2 business days to initiate your refund.  We’ll notify you once we’ve initiated the refund process. After that, your bank takes over from us. Most banks complete the refund process within 5 business days. If you haven't r...